PTO/Site Council
Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)
Dear Simonton Students and Families,
PTO is working hard to assist the Simonton Staff in providing the best learning environment for our students.
We have a lot going on this year and there are all sorts of ways to help out and contribute. We need volunteers to help at the school, help from home, people with interesting talents or knowledge, and lots and lots of helping hands at our different events. Please make sure that you sign up to help with an event or a committee and we will contact you with more information! Or, feel free to contact us via e-mail.
Thank you for getting involved and making this a successful year!
Thank you!
PTO is working hard to assist the Simonton Staff in providing the best learning environment for our students.
We have a lot going on this year and there are all sorts of ways to help out and contribute. We need volunteers to help at the school, help from home, people with interesting talents or knowledge, and lots and lots of helping hands at our different events. Please make sure that you sign up to help with an event or a committee and we will contact you with more information! Or, feel free to contact us via e-mail.
Thank you for getting involved and making this a successful year!
Thank you!
Simonton PTO
Our Officers
President: Maggie Speer
Vice President: Bree Stock
Vice President: Bree Stock
Treasurer: Bree Stock
Secretary: Jessica Thomas
Secretary: Jessica Thomas
Member and Volunteer Coordinator: Tayla White
Social Media Manager: Megan Paulauskas